North Carolina State Open
held at Europa Hotel in Chapel Hill, NC - July 4-6, 1985
ACF Bulletin # 196 - August, 1985 reported... North
Carolina "Yankees Invade the South!" Norm Wexler, N.Y., won
the North Carolina Open held July 4-6 in Chapel Hill. Next were Gene Zuber and
Ed Bruch. Fourth, and the 1985 State Champion was Elbert Lowder of Sanford, NC,
followed by John Webster, Eugene Winter, Jerry Ingram, and Tim Laverty. In Class
B, James Heffner and J.C. Little tied in both match and honor points, then
followed Raleigh Johnson, Frank Walls, Joe McClellan, (tie) Bernard Ross - Dennis Cayton, and Merle
Vaughan. There were 48 entrants overall, with $1,600 paid
in prizes. Major contributors at $250 each were Ed Scheidt, John
Webster, Elbert Lowder, and Clint Pickard. This was the strongest field
for any North Carolina Open since it began in 1969. North Carolina State
Tournaments were closed to only state residences until 1969 when the tou
was opened to all checker players.
Ed Scheidt & Clint
Pickard were the Sponsors/Directors of this tournament. Ed Scheidt
arranged the Europa Hotel, one of the country's finest as the
tournament venue through his contacts. A special rate of $45
per room is less than half their usual rate. Reservations should be made two weeks in advance, indicating
your attendance at the checker tourney - phone 919-968-4900. Tourney
registration starts at 9 a.m., and play at 10 a.m. There will be 7 rounds
of Swiss play, with a $500 first prize guaranteed. Contact: Ed Scheidt,
3209 Carol Woods, Chapel Hill, 27515, phone 919-967-9189. Europa
Hotel was renamed Sheraton Chapel Hill Hotel and a multi-million dollar
renovation, but their address is One Europa Drive, Chapel Hill, NC.
North Carolina State Champions